viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009

POKEMON gotta catch'em all!

La torta ataca de nuevo

polli winner
I'm a terrible person
I'm a terrible person
I'm a terrible person
Cause I've made up my mind. I'm a terrible person cause I've led her on. And I'm the only one who knows what I've done to her. I'm much smarter now, I won't tell her friends before her, I'm afraid. It's gonna be a bad day come Sunday. I'm a horrible person, I read her diary. I'm not to be trusted :) I told all of her secrets! to all the guys in town, they all laugh and slap me five oh yeah, luckily she doesn't have dirt on me, cause I'm the cleanest guy. oh I'm afraid. I don't think I'll ever be sorry, no, I'm not sorry for a thing I've done. And I don't think I'll ever wake up lonely, cause having her around wasn't all that special. It's gonna be a bad day come sunday.
Que buena canción, ahora tengo una fiesta de quince, así que me voy a preparar.
Espero no quedarme dormida :D jajajajaja.

5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

oh por qué violarte?
a mi sólo me caía bien tu blog.
yo tambièn tengo unos quince, también me voy a preparar.
Livia! salú

no found dijo...

arrre krishna (?)
que raro en pedo tu jaja

Capicua dijo...

Esa era la de la publi de Carolina Herrera, Rooney Rooney... La amo

Tomás dijo...

Livia, vos y tus tríos... (?)

Michelle dijo...

Y no te quedaste dormida :D
You're a terible person and I love you(?)